
It's Friday!

Friday means nothing to me. It isn't the end of early mornings (Saturday and Sunday are early for me too), it doesn't mean a night of partying, and it definitely isn't the start of a relaxing weekend. I just want a day off. One day with nothing to do: no work, no school, no people, no responsibility.

I'm normally very laid back. I don't stress out about much, and I can handle pressure fairly well. This week has found me in an unusual funk. I've been extremely anxious; worrying about things that don't need to be worried about. My biggest worry this week has not been financial, school or work related. No, it's much more ridiculous than that: I've been worried that upon return from China, I won't know anybody. My friends won't know me, I won't feel close to my family anymore, my boss won't re-hire me, and I'll be by myself. I'm worried that I'll come back and not speak the same Chinese as my classmates at home. I'm worried that I'll be jobless, insurance-less, tuition-less, and will have an incurable stomach ailment.

I just need a day off. One day off will put me back in focus.

Next week.

My day off will happen next week.

And then I'm gonna sleep.

Just need to make it until then.
