

So you go to your favorite store again, the one that still requires the mysterious discount card that you don't have. You know their prices are good and who knows, maybe you'll find a discount card hidden under the dried jellyfish. With this kind of positive thinking, you enter the store hoping you'll make it out again in one piece. It's noon, meaning everyone is on their two-hour siesta and the place is destined to be packed.

After loading your basket with an assortment of goods you push your way through the crowd to the row of cashiers. Picking the shortest line and the slowest checker, you rehearse what you are going to say. After all, you didn't find a card under the jellyfish, stomach, brain or duck blood and you are still hoping for one. You tell yourself today is your lucky day.

"Excuse me, where do I go to get that card?" The cashier looks at you, turns to the next person in line and takes the card from her hand. She scans it, thanks the customer, throws your stuff in a bag and tells you the total. You pay and leave, deciding on the way out that you should take a drive by the consulate.

Did she not hear you? Was she purposly avoiding my question? Why won't she give me that damn card?!
