
Day: 1

I would like to announce that I made it through day one relatively sugar free. As predicted I woke up in the morning with a severe hankering for something sweet. Instead of indulging my craving, I decided to follow one of the twelve steps I posted earlier: eat protein at breakfast. I munched on some chicken wings I recovered from the fridge and proceeded to down my coffee.

Sarah and I often cook at home, although we rarely make enough to have leftovers. Today was unique as it is the day after the day of Li Juan's birthday party.

Several days ago while I was getting ready for school, Li Juan announced that her birthday was coming up. "Ooohhh, we will eat hot pot-huo guo- with my friend. Okay? You are willing?"

"Sure! That sounds like fun? When is your birthday? Where are we going?"

"A traditional restaurant. Very good. You will like, I am sure."

I discussed the proposition with Sarah, and we agreed that we could free up our schedule in order to make the party. She also asked me to make some spaghetti like I had done for a few friends of mine.

The day of the party approached and nothing more had been exchanged between us. I was beginning to think the party was off. Monday afternoon I recieved a text message:"Hi honey. We are eating at home. Two friends are coming over to prepare the food. Please make pasta and tell Sarah."

I rounded up the ingredients I would need at a Western goods store near campus. It costs a fortune to make these kinds of meals, even more than it would in the States, but it was her birthday and spaghetti was sounding good.

That evening I pulled up to my apartment building, and was escorted into the building by the sounds of "Who Let the Dogs Out?" My neighbors are pretty quiet, and I started to wonder just where that sound was coming from. As I reached the front door, the music became much louder. I pressed my ear against the door which was now vibrating from the sound, put my key in the lock, and turned. Sarah was supposed to be home, but I doubted she would be playing music full blast.

The door swung open, and I stood frozen in the entry. There were already half a dozen people at the house, and by looking at how much food was already spread on the table, I was guessing there would be more. The tv was on; two microphones placed on the floor for later karaoke. I placed the cake I was carrying on the table, and proceeded to push my way into the kitchen. The kitchen was a mess of pans and bones and vegetable scraps. A man I didn't know stood in the corner peeling a kiwi onto the floor. No one seemed to acknowledge my presence as I pulled pans off of shelves and proceeded to make the spaghetti.

Soon enough I heard Li Juan's footsteps out in the hall. The feast was spread out over the dining room and coffee tables. The pan of spaghetti sat in the center.

Li Juan entered the room and screamed.

The party lasted well into the evening. One of the girls at the party told me that once they discovered our bedrooms, they had to close the door. I knew the house looked cleaner than I had left it!

I know I've mentioned this before, the way things happen around here is all kind of mysterious to me. I'm usually not in on the planning stages of things, I'm just made aware of the results. It's pretty funny and makes life interesting.
