
Day 18

So far I've been pretty good about not eating sugar. I mentioned earlier that I was going to try and give up sugar until Thanksgiving. Although I eat things like bread and fruit, things like candy and cake is out. I've done fairly well.

I've had several surprises when it comes to the Chinese food. I bought what I thought was a fried potato thing, only to find it filled with sweet bean paste. I've bought what I thought were crackers, only to find them sweet like animal crackers. There was one overt violation, but by and large, all the other ones have been unintentional.

As to whether or not I'll continue my sugar fast after Thanksgiving: the answer is no. I love Almond M&Ms, and I don't think I can last much longer without them. The peanut ones are a good substitute, and a Snickers bar will do when nothing else is available.
