My first day as an unemployed person made me want to go back to work. When I am working, I don't have the free time to sit around and worry. Although I have a million things to keep my mind occupied, work seems to be the easiest and most available.
I spent my afternoon eating lunch with a coworker of mine. We're not particularly close, but we made small talk and generally enjoyed ourselves. On our way home (I was driving), I rear-ended somebody. I was exiting the freeway, not paying attention, and rammed into the car that was sitting at the stop sign. I said loudly, "Shit!" And my coworker continued to sit in silence. Luckily no one was hurt, and the guy I hit was very kind to me. He shook my hand, laughed at the situation, took my information, and apologized that we had to meet under those circumstances. I was praising the Lord that I didn't wet my pants.
Overall, most of the damage was done to my pride. It's embarassing when you hit another person, even more so when you have a passenger. Had the accident happened with a family member or even a good friend, it would have just been a funny story. As it is, it's just embarassing.