Woohoo!! I just received a reply from one of my random emailings. The reply was from a woman who works at the school for the blind in Chengdu. She will be putting me in touch with a teacher at the school for the deaf. Needless to say, I am so totally excited!!!
I have found out what vaccinations I will need before taking off to China. I had to make a phone appointment with a travel nurse, who described in horrible detail all the diseases I don't want to get. She told me, and I quote, "you'll need to go to the Injection Room to get these shots."
I said, "the Injection Room? Isn't that a horror movie?"
I'll be making the appointment for my vaccinations sometime soon. I've been really busy with work and school and planning and research and friends and family and blogging and everything else. If I don't return from my visit to the Injection Room within a reasonable period of time, please send someone in to find me. And bring guns. Lots of guns.