This blogger spent all morning at a study abroad orientation with her school. There was probably 500 people at the orientation, with about thirty going to China. Of the thirty, I was the only one going to Chengdu. The other people I will be traveling with are all attending a later orientation. I was hoping they would all attend this morning, so we could go out to breakfast and get to know each other a little better, but no such luck. There is one student that I have been chatting with a lot. She and I seem to have much in common. We both like languages, we both secretely want to be spies, we both love to travel, and we both have an interest in sign languages. We've been discussing different places we would like to see while we are in China. My fantasy trip would be to take the Trans-Siberian railroad into Moscow at the end of the school year. I'll be buying two one-way airline tickets anyway, why couldn't one of them be from somewhere in Europe? I checked the ticket prices for the railroad; it's not too expensive if you buy them yourself. I'll have to see if I can convince her of how cool this trip would be.
The above link will take you to a website about the railroad.
