
Weird Days:

I went out with some friends recently for a three hour scenic walk, followed by lunch. After eating, we crossed the street to a teahouse where we decided to rest for a while before making the three hour hike back to where our bikes were. The server was a young chick, dressed in acid washed jeans, a sparkly tank top, and she sported a mullet. A real mullet.

With a glass of tea in hand, we settled into our chairs to relax. A few people fell asleep while others watched the television in the corner. An hour later, the server came back to the private room we were in to prepare the bill. A few words were exchanged between her and my friends, and I got the impression everything was fine. We each paid the woman five kuai owed, and were on our way. As we reached the door of the teahouse however, the woman who owned the place immediately started yelling that we hadn't paid our bill in full. She appeared out of nowhere, and immedietly pushed her way to the door in order to block our escape. She started screaming at one of my new friends, telling her that we had to pay the money or we wouldn't be allowed to leave. This woman was crazy, absolutely nuts. She was screaming and gesticulating wildly, making the problem clear to everyone in the room. I was totally embarrassed.

I thought the amount owed was only five kuai. I reached into my pocket, pulled out the right amount and handed it to the lady.

She glared at me, "This isn't enough. You still owe fifteen kuai." At this point, she positioned herself between us and the door, sticking her arms out to the side to make her intention clear. My new friend argued with her several more minutes before the rest of the group who were outside got curious and came to see what was holding us up. Soon, the entire group was involved in the shouting match until finally a man from the corner of the teahouse approached the door and offered to pay the bill for us. I know I said this before, but I was totally embarrassed.

Somehow we made it out of their unscathed, though I doubt any of us will be going back.
