
It's Sunday!

"But Laura," You ask, "Where have you been? It's been nearly a week without a new post, and we're starting to get worried."

So am I, so am I. The truth is, I think I've been b@nn3d. I'm having a hard time accessing the blog to post anything. Some b@nn3d websites work on my computer, some don't. My pr0xxy hasn't totally failed me, but I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I can get onto blogger.com, but viewing anyone's blog is out of the question. If anyone knows of a way around the Great Firew@11 of China, please send me an email. For now, I've written a poem to commemorate this sad failure of my proxy:

B@nned, schmanned!
If only I had planned!
I would like to have manned
the pr0xyy with my hand.
B@nned, schmanned!

Hopefully, this will actually post. Someone please write a comment (blogger emails me when you do this), and let me know if you can see this post. I've written another poem:

Comment, schmomment!
You folks are my abutment!
Do you know what abutment meant?
How 'bout additament?
Comment, schmomment!

There's a bunch of interesting articles about the Great F1rew@ll. There seems to be a lot of debate about how it works. Some argue that the Great Fir3wa11 isn't there at all; it's really the result of government pressure on different internet companies causing them to moniter themselves. Others argue about the technicalities of how it works. Still others are constantly working to circumvent it. Here's some links to articles I found particularly interesting. You should all read the article about Google mirror. Type that into your Google search box, and click the first link. You'll see what I mean...

Read this first.

Google Mirror If you want to search anything, remember to type the words

This isn't my favorite news site, but it's a good article.

Why this blogger loves the USA.
