Since the first time I saw this building I've wanted to go up in it. As I've mentioned before Chengdu is entirely flat, so finding a view is difficult. For months I've been bringing it up to people in hopes that one of us will remember to make the trek on a clear day. Finally I had the opportunity to ask a group of Chinese people whether or not they had been in the tower and how much it cost. Everyone stopped their conversation and just stared at me.
"Why would you want to go up there?"
"I don't think people are allowed up there."
"There's nothing for you to see."
"I don't think you can."
"Why do you want to do that?"
I was really startled! Did these people really mean to say that the television tower, with all the windows and come-to-me tourist appeal is actually off limits? Did they really mean to say the television tower isn't a tourist trap at all? Why in the world would you build it then?!
I have no conclusion to this story except to say that I have yet to go and try my luck at getting up.