Every once in a while I get an email survey asking me everything from what my favorite ice cream flavor is to the color of my panties. They usually have the mood question too. What mood are you in?
Mood: Road rage.
That's a mood? It is when I'm on the road.
Hey you! You with your finger on the motorbike horn! Do you really think I can distinguish your horn from the other fifty motorbike horns? Can you distinguish yours?
Mood: Road rage.
It was today's mood, yesterday's mood, the day before that...
Hey you! You running the red light to make that left turn! Do you really want to clean me off your windshield? I guarantee it won't be pretty.
Mood: Road rage.
Last week's mood, Christmas' mood, Thanksgiving's mood...
Hey you! Bus driver! I nearly face planted into the side of your bus! Would you mind using the road and not the bike lane next time?!
Mood: Serious road rage.
2007's mood, 2006's mood...
Hey you! Driver! When your bumper passes within a millimeter of my ankle, I start to worry about my future as a ballet dancer. Please leave a little space next time.
Mood: Still road ragin'.
November's mood, October's mood, September's mood...
Hey you! Bus! When I can feel the heat from your engine on my backside, that means you are too close! Stop tailgating!!!
Mood: Road rage.
(That picture above is an actual picture of an intersection in China. I was in an intersection like this once. Everything stopped for about twenty minutes so the drivers could get out and yell at each other. Absolutely the most amazing thing I've ever seen.)