Sarah and I often discuss our purchases with each other, and we inevetibly end up rating them from best to worst. My best three purchases in China are: quilted pajamas, a french press coffee maker (for travel of course!), and a North Korean tour company coffee mug. I bought a jacket several days ago that almost falls into the top three, except that the jacket will only be used for a few months, while the coffee cup can be used forever. As for the quilted pajamas, I saw some on sale the other day and may just return to pick up another pair.
Last week I made arrangements with a friend to go and buy a marshmallow coat. These kinds of coats are big here, and people wear them everywhere. They come in every color and in every length. They come with fur, plaid, sparkles, or a combination of the above. In between the time we had talked and the time we were to go shopping, I bought a coat at Carrefour. It's large enough for the sleaves to come to my wrist, it's thick and it's not marshmallow. When my friend called to confirm a time and date, I told her I had already bought a coat, but would still be up for some shopping.
On Saturday we met at the appointed shopping mall, and she took me inside to the all-marshmallow coat store. We searched the floor, looking for that perfect coat. I would point one out that I liked, then she would shake her head and point at another one that had sparkles and fur and plaid and ruffles and a phrase in Chinglish on it. After searching the entire floor for a suitable coat, it was becoming clear our tastes our WAY different. I mentioned again that I had already bought a coat, I'd be fine if we didn't get one. I kept getting the feeling that it was buy one now, or we're not leaving. I don't know why she kept insisting on it, but in the end she won. I bought a marshmallow coat. It's not as bad as the others, it doesn't stretch to my ankles or anything. In fact, it's the one that my friend hated the most, meaning it was the most like something I'd wear in the States. I can't believe it, I was peer pressured into buying an ugly coat.
Needless to say, the marshmallow coat is in the top three worst purchases.